Contact Information
If you're on this page, then you must have want to tell us something. Take a look at our contact options below. If none of them are right for you, feel free to call us at 6731958/6712628 the receptionists are available 24 hours a day.
-Mobile No. 0535101155 (for SMS & WhatsApp Messages Only)
If you wish to join our clinic you can fill up the application form by clicking here or send your resume at
Follow us on TWITTER
Follow @ibnsinajed
Our Physical Address:
Al-Odabaa St.
Al-Azizia District
Near Al-Manara Market & Fire Station
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mailing address: P.O. BOX 4791, Jeddah 21412, K.S.A.
For a detailed map click picture below.

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Our Phone Numbers:
Telephone : +966 2 6731958 / +966 2 6712628
Fax : +966 2 2871924
Position | Phone Ext. No. |
Medical Director | 101 |
Financial Manager | 444 |
Accounting | 104 |
Laboratory | 102 |
Pharmacy | 103 |
Radiology | 208 |
Webmaster | 403 |
Our Email Addresses:
Position | E-mail address |
Medical Director | |
Financial Manager | |
Accounting | |
Laboratory | |
Pharmacy | |
Radiology | |
Webmaster | |